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1. Integrated Functions


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1.1 wasserzaehler


This is the main purpose of this device. It returns the converted image as a number with different option. The output can be modified either by the configuration parameters or by HTML parameters.

Details can be found here: tbd

1.2 Picture Server



This is a implementation of the camera interface of https://github.com/jomjol/water-meter-picture-provider

It is fully compatible including the parameters (quality=..., size=... ) . This allows to use this ESP32 system in parallel to the corresponding docker system: https://github.com/jomjol/water-meter-system-complete, from which this project is basically the successor.

1.3 File server

Access: http://IP-ESP32/fileserver/

Simple file server, that allows viewing, upload, download and deleting of single files of the SD-card content.

The usage is self explaining. The file path or file can directly be accessed by the URL after file server.

Example for config.ini : http://IP-ESP/fileserver/config/config.ini

1.4 OTA-Update


Here an over the air update can be triggered. The firmware file is expected to be located in the sub directory /firmware/ and can be uploaded with the file server. By the parameter file the name of the firmware file needs to be given.

1.5 Reboot


A reboot with a delay of 5 seconds is initiated, e.g. after firmware update.

ATTENTION: currently this is not working properly - hardware power off is needed instead. Work in progress!

1.6 Simple Web Server

If none of the above URLs are fitting, a very simple web server checks, if there is a fitting file from the sub directory /html This can be used for a very simple web server for information or simple web pages.