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1. Parameters

This page lists all available Configuration Parameters. If a parameter or section has a tick box on its left side, you can disable it. In such case the functionality gets disabled respectively the default values will be used.


This is an auto-generated page! See the README for details!

1.1 Section TakeImage

1.1.1 Parameter CamAeLevel


range on OV2640 (-2 .. 2)
range on OV3660 and OV5640 (-5 .. 5)

Section: 1.1 TakeImage

Default Value: 0

See here for the ov2640 camera datasheet.
See here for the ov5640 camera datasheet.


This is an Expert Parameter! Only change it if you understand what it does!

After changing this parameter you need to update your reference image and alignment markers!


The exposure offset for automatic exposure, lower values produce darker image.


This parameter can also be set on the Reference Image configuration page!

1.1.2 Parameter CamAec


  • When true, the camera attempts to automatically control the exposure.
  • When false, the CamAecValue setting is used instead.

Section: 1.1 TakeImage

Default Value: true

See here for the ov2640 camera datasheet.
See here for the ov5640 camera datasheet.


This is an Expert Parameter! Only change it if you understand what it does!

After changing this parameter you need to update your reference image and alignment markers!


This parameter can also be set on the Reference Image configuration page!

1.1.3 Parameter CamAec2


  • When true, the sensor’s "night mode" is enabled, extending the range of automatic gain control.
  • When false, the sensor’s "night mode" is disabled.

Section: 1.1 TakeImage

Default Value: true

See here for the ov2640 camera datasheet.
See here for the ov5640 camera datasheet.


This is an Expert Parameter! Only change it if you understand what it does!

After changing this parameter you need to update your reference image and alignment markers!


This may resolve some over-exposure and under-exposure issues.


This parameter can also be set on the Reference Image configuration page!

1.1.4 Parameter CamAecValue


Range (0 .. 1200)

Section: 1.1 TakeImage

Default Value: 160

See here for the ov2640 camera datasheet.
See here for the ov5640 camera datasheet.


This is an Expert Parameter! Only change it if you understand what it does!

After changing this parameter you need to update your reference image and alignment markers!


Access the exposure value of the camera, higher values produce brighter images.


This parameter can also be set on the Reference Image configuration page!

1.1.5 Parameter CamAgc


  • When true, the camera attempts to automatically control the sensor gain, up to the value in the CamGainceiling property.
  • When false, the CamAgcGain setting is used instead.

Section: 1.1 TakeImage

Default Value: true

See here for the ov2640 camera datasheet.
See here for the ov5640 camera datasheet.


This is an Expert Parameter! Only change it if you understand what it does!

After changing this parameter you need to update your reference image and alignment markers!

1.1.6 Parameter CamAgcGain


Range (0 .. 30)

Section: 1.1 TakeImage

Default Value: 15

See here for the ov2640 camera datasheet.
See here for the ov5640 camera datasheet.


This is an Expert Parameter! Only change it if you understand what it does!

After changing this parameter you need to update your reference image and alignment markers!


This is used when CamAgc is off.


Access the gain level of the sensor, higher values produce brighter images.

1.1.7 Parameter CamAutoSharpness


  • When true, the camera attempts to automatically adjusts the sharpness.
  • When false, the CamSharpness setting is used instead.

Section: 1.1 TakeImage

Default Value: false

See here for the ov2640 camera datasheet.
See here for the ov5640 camera datasheet.


This is an Expert Parameter! Only change it if you understand what it does!

After changing this parameter you need to update your reference image and alignment markers!


The OV2640 does not officially support auto sharpness, this is an experimental parameter!


This parameter can also be set on the Reference Image configuration page!

1.1.8 Parameter CamAwb


  • When true, the camera attempts to automatically control white balance.
  • When false, the CamWbMode setting is used instead.

Section: 1.1 TakeImage

Default Value: true

See here for the ov2640 camera datasheet.
See here for the ov5640 camera datasheet.


This is an Expert Parameter! Only change it if you understand what it does!

After changing this parameter you need to update your reference image and alignment markers!

1.1.9 Parameter CamAwbGain


  • Enable/Disable CamAwbGain control.

Section: 1.1 TakeImage

Default Value: true

See here for the ov2640 camera datasheet.
See here for the ov5640 camera datasheet.


This is an Expert Parameter! Only change it if you understand what it does!

After changing this parameter you need to update your reference image and alignment markers!

1.1.10 Parameter CamBpc


  • Enable/Disable black point compensation, this can make black parts of the image darker.

Section: 1.1 TakeImage

Default Value: true

See here for the ov2640 camera datasheet.
See here for the ov5640 camera datasheet.


This is an Expert Parameter! Only change it if you understand what it does!

After changing this parameter you need to update your reference image and alignment markers!

1.1.11 Parameter CamBrightness


Range (-2 .. 2)

Section: 1.1 TakeImage

Default Value: 0

See here for the ov2640 camera datasheet.
See here for the ov5640 camera datasheet.


After changing this parameter you need to update your reference image and alignment markers!


This parameter can also be set on the Reference Image configuration page!

1.1.12 Parameter CamColorbar


currently not implemented.

Section: 1.1 TakeImage

Default Value: false

See here for the ov2640 camera datasheet.
See here for the ov5640 camera datasheet.


This is an Expert Parameter! Only change it if you understand what it does!

1.1.13 Parameter CamContrast


Range (-2 .. 2)

Section: 1.1 TakeImage

Default Value: 0

See here for the ov2640 camera datasheet.
See here for the ov5640 camera datasheet.


After changing this parameter you need to update your reference image and alignment markers!


This parameter can also be set on the Reference Image configuration page!

1.1.14 Parameter CamDcw


  • When CamDcw is on, the image that you receive will be the size that you requested (VGA, QQVGA, etc).
  • When CamDcw is off, the image that you receive will be one of UXGA, SVGA, or CIF.

Section: 1.1 TakeImage

Default Value: true

See here for the ov2640 camera datasheet.
See here for the ov5640 camera datasheet.


This is an Expert Parameter! Only change it if you understand what it does!

After changing this parameter you need to update your reference image and alignment markers!

If CamZoom is used, this must be activated.


If CamDcw is off, and you pick a different image size, this implicitly turns CamDcw back on again.

1.1.15 Parameter CamDenoise


  • Denoise Image, is only supported by OV3660 and OV5640

range on OV3660 and OV5640 (0 .. 8)

Section: 1.1 TakeImage

Default Value: 0

See here for the ov2640 camera datasheet.
See here for the ov5640 camera datasheet.


This is an Expert Parameter! Only change it if you understand what it does!

1.1.16 Parameter CamGainceiling


Available options:

  • x2
  • x4
  • x8
  • x16
  • x32
  • x64
  • x128

Default Value for ov2640: x4
Default Value for ov5640: x8

See here for the ov2640 camera datasheet.
See here for the ov5640 camera datasheet.


This is an Expert Parameter! Only change it if you understand what it does!

After changing this parameter you need to update your reference image and alignment markers!


A higher gain means that the sensor has a greater response to light, but also makes sensor noise more visible.

This is used when CamAgc is on.


The Gain is an analog multiplier applied to the raw sensor data.
The Ceiling is the maximum gain value that the sensor will use.

1.1.17 Parameter CamHmirror


  • When true, the camera image is mirrored left-to-right.

Section: 1.1 TakeImage

Default Value: false

See here for the ov2640 camera datasheet.
See here for the ov5640 camera datasheet.


After changing this parameter you need to update your reference image and alignment markers!


This parameter can also be set on the Reference Image configuration page!

1.1.18 Parameter CamLenc


  • Enable/Disable lens correction.

Section: 1.1 TakeImage

Default Value: true

See here for the ov2640 camera datasheet.
See here for the ov5640 camera datasheet.


This is an Expert Parameter! Only change it if you understand what it does!

After changing this parameter you need to update your reference image and alignment markers!


This can help compensate for light fall-off at the edge of the sensor area.

1.1.19 Parameter CamQuality


Range (8 .. 63)

Section: 1.1 TakeImage

Default Value: 10

See here for the ov2640 camera datasheet.
See here for the ov5640 camera datasheet.


This is an Expert Parameter! Only change it if you understand what it does!

After changing this parameter you need to update your reference image and alignment markers!

Value below 10 could result in system instabilities!


Quality index for pictures: 8 (highest quality) ... 63 (lowest quality)

This is similar to the quality setting when exporting a jpeg image from photo editing software.

1.1.20 Parameter CamRawGma


  • Enable/Disable raw gamma mode.

Section: 1.1 TakeImage

Default Value: true

See here for the ov2640 camera datasheet.
See here for the ov5640 camera datasheet.


This is an Expert Parameter! Only change it if you understand what it does!

After changing this parameter you need to update your reference image and alignment markers!


The main purpose of the Gamma (GMA) function is to compensate for the non-linear characteristics of the sensor. GMA converts the pixel values according to the Gamma curve to compensate the sensor output under different light strengths. The non-linear gamma curve is approximately constructed with different linear functions. Raw gamma compensates the image in the RAW domain.

1.1.21 Parameter CamSaturation


Range (-2 .. 2)

Section: 1.1 TakeImage

Default Value: 0

See here for the ov2640 camera datasheet.
See here for the ov5640 camera datasheet.


After changing this parameter you need to update your reference image and alignment markers!


Positive values increase saturation (more vibrant colors), negative values lower it (more muted colors).


This parameter can also be set on the Reference Image configuration page!

1.1.22 Parameter CamSharpness


Range (-2 .. 2)

Section: 1.1 TakeImage

Default Value: 0

See here for the ov2640 camera datasheet.
See here for the ov5640 camera datasheet.


This is an Expert Parameter! Only change it if you understand what it does!

After changing this parameter you need to update your reference image and alignment markers!


The OV2640 does not officially support sharpness, this is an experimental parameter!


Positive values increase sharpness (more defined edges), negative values lower it (softer edges).

This is used when CamAutoSharpness is off.


This parameter can also be set on the Reference Image configuration page!

1.1.23 Parameter CamSpecialEffect


Available options:

  • no_effect
  • negative
  • grayscale
  • red
  • green
  • blue
  • retro

Section: 1.1 TakeImage

Default Value: no_effect

See here for the ov2640 camera datasheet.
See here for the ov5640 camera datasheet.


This is an Expert Parameter! Only change it if you understand what it does!

After changing this parameter you need to update your reference image and alignment markers!


This parameter can also be set on the Reference Image configuration page!

1.1.24 Parameter CamVflip


  • When true, the camera image is flipped top-to-bottom.

Section: 1.1 TakeImage

Default Value: false

See here for the ov2640 camera datasheet.
See here for the ov5640 camera datasheet.


After changing this parameter you need to update your reference image and alignment markers!


On some OV5640 Cameras, the image becomes reddish when Vflip is used in conjunction with the zoom function!


This parameter can also be set on the Reference Image configuration page!

1.1.25 Parameter CamWbMode


Available options:

  • auto
  • sunny
  • cloudy
  • office
  • home

Section: 1.1 TakeImage

Default Value: auto

See here for the ov2640 camera datasheet.
See here for the ov5640 camera datasheet.


After changing this parameter you need to update your reference image and alignment markers!


This is used when CamAwb is off.


This parameter can also be set on the Reference Image configuration page!

1.1.26 Parameter CamWpc


  • Enable/Disable white point compensation, his can make white parts of the image whiter.

Section: 1.1 TakeImage

Default Value: true

See here for the ov2640 camera datasheet.
See here for the ov5640 camera datasheet.


After changing this parameter you need to update your reference image and alignment markers!


This parameter can also be set on the Reference Image configuration page!

1.1.27 Parameter CamZoom


  • Enable/Disable digital zoom.

Section: 1.1 TakeImage

Default Value: false

See here for the ov2640 camera datasheet.
See here for the ov5640 camera datasheet.


This is an Expert Parameter! Only change it if you understand what it does!

After changing this parameter you need to update your reference image and alignment markers!


It is always zoomed into the center of the image, if CamZoomOffsetX and CamZoomOffsetY are zero.


This parameter can also be set on the Reference Image configuration page!

1.1.28 Parameter CamZoomOffsetX


range on OV2640 (-480 .. 480)
range on OV3660 (-704 .. 704)
range on OV5640 (-960 .. 960)

Section: 1.1 TakeImage

Default Value: 0

See here for the ov2640 camera datasheet.
See here for the ov5640 camera datasheet.


This is an Expert Parameter! Only change it if you understand what it does!

After changing this parameter you need to update your reference image and alignment markers!


X displacement of the image from the center.
Positive values ​​shift the image to the right, negative values ​​to the left.
The maximum possible offset depends on the value of the CamZoomSize.


This parameter can also be set on the Reference Image configuration page!

1.1.29 Parameter CamZoomOffsetY


range on OV2640 (-360 .. 360)
range on OV3660 (-528 .. 528)
range on OV5640 (-720 .. 720)

Section: 1.1 TakeImage

Default Value: 0

See here for the ov2640 camera datasheet.
See here for the ov5640 camera datasheet.


This is an Expert Parameter! Only change it if you understand what it does!

After changing this parameter you need to update your reference image and alignment markers!


Y displacement of the image from the center.
Positive values ​​move the image up, negative values ​​move the image down.
The maximum possible offset depends on the value of the CamZoomSize.


This parameter can also be set on the Reference Image configuration page!

1.1.30 Parameter CamZoomSize


range on OV2640 (0 .. 29)
range on OV3660 (0 .. 43)
range on OV5640 (0 .. 59)

Section: 1.1 TakeImage

Default Value: 0

See here for the ov2640 camera datasheet.
See here for the ov5640 camera datasheet.


This is an Expert Parameter! Only change it if you understand what it does!

After changing this parameter you need to update your reference image and alignment markers!


Zoom factor/level of the digital zoom, the larger the value, the more it zooms in.


This parameter can also be set on the Reference Image configuration page!

1.1.31 Parameter Demo

Enable to use demo images instead of the real camera images. Make sure to have a /demo folder on your SD-Card and make sure it contains the expected files! Check here for details.

Section: 1.1 TakeImage

Default Value: false


This is an Expert Parameter! Only change it if you understand what it does!

1.1.32 Parameter LEDIntensity

Set the Flash LED Intensity: (0 .. 100)

Section: 1.1 TakeImage

Default Value: 50


After changing this parameter you need to update your reference image and alignment markers!


This parameter can also be set on the Reference Image configuration page!

1.1.33 Parameter RawImagesLocation

Location on the SD-Card to store the raw images.

Section: 1.1 TakeImage

Default Value: /log/source


A SD-Card has limited write cycles. Since the device does not do Wear Leveling, this can wear out your SD-Card!

1.1.34 Parameter RawImagesRetention

Number of days to keep the raw images (0 = forever)

Unit: Days

Section: 1.1 TakeImage

Default Value: 15

1.1.35 Parameter WaitBeforeTakingPicture

Waiting time between switching the flash light (onboard LED) on and taking the picture.

Unit: seconds

Section: 1.1 TakeImage

Default Value: 5


This is an Expert Parameter! Only change it if you understand what it does!

1.2 Section Alignment

1.2.1 Parameter AlignmentAlgo

Section: 1.2 Alignment

Default Value: Default


This is an Expert Parameter! Only change it if you understand what it does!

Algorithm used for the alignment step.

Available options:

  • Default: Use only red color channel
  • HighAccuracy: Use all 3 color channels (3x slower)
  • Fast: First time use HighAccuracy, then only check if the image is shifted
  • Off: Disable alignment algorithm

1.2.2 Parameter InitialRotate

Section: 1.2 Alignment

Default Value: 0

Unit: Degrees


This parameter can also be set on the Reference Image configuration page!


After changing this parameter you need to update your reference image and alignment markers!

Initial rotation of image before alignment in degree (-360 .. +360)

1.2.3 Parameter SearchFieldX

Section: 1.2 Alignment

Default Value: 20

Unit: Pixels


This is an Expert Parameter! Only change it if you understand what it does!

X-size (width) in which the reference is searched.


Since the alignment is one of the steps using a lot of computation time, the search field should be as small as possible. The calculation time goes quadratic with the search field size.

1.2.4 Parameter SearchFieldY

Section: 1.2 Alignment

Default Value: 20

Unit: Pixels


This is an Expert Parameter! Only change it if you understand what it does!

Y-size (height) in which the reference is searched.


Since the alignment is one of the steps using a lot of computation time, the search field should be as small as possible. The calculation time goes quadratic with the search field size.

1.3 Section Digits

1.3.1 Parameter CNNGoodThreshold

Section: 1.3 Digits

Default Value: 0.5


This is an Expert Parameter! Only change it if you understand what it does!

Threshold above which the classification should be to accept the value (only meaningful for digits).


This is only supported for the dig-class100 models!

1.3.2 Parameter Model

Section: 1.3 Digits

Default Value: /config/dig-cont_*.tflite (See /config/config.ini)

Path to CNN model file for image recognition. See here for details.

1.3.3 Parameter ROIImagesLocation

Section: 1.3 Digits

Default Value: /log/digit

Location to store separated digit images on the SD-Card.


A SD-Card has limited write cycles. Since the device does not do Wear Leveling, this can wear out your SD-Card!

1.3.4 Parameter ROIImagesRetention

Section: 1.3 Digits

Default Value: 3

Unit: Days

Days to keep the separated digit images (0 = forever).

1.4 Section Analog

1.4.1 Parameter CNNGoodThreshold

Section: 1.4 Analog

Default Value: 0.5


This is an Expert Parameter! Only change it if you understand what it does!

Threshold above which the classification should be to accept the value (only meaningful for digits).


This is only supported for the ana-class100 models!

1.4.2 Parameter ExtendedResolution


This parameter is unused! Use NUMBER.ExtendedResolution instead!

1.4.3 Parameter Model

Section: 1.4 Analog

Default Value: /config/ana-cont_*.tflite (See /config/config.ini)

Path to CNN model file for image recognition. See here for details.

1.4.4 Parameter ROIImagesLocation

Section: 1.4 Analog

Default Value: /log/analog

Location to store separated analog images on the SD-Card.


A SD-Card has limited write cycles. Since the device does not do Wear Leveling, this can wear out your SD-Card!

1.4.5 Parameter ROIImagesRetention

Section: 1.4 Analog

Default Value: 3

Unit: Days

Days to keep the separated analog images (0 = forever).

1.5 Section PostProcessing

1.5.1 Parameter AllowNegativeRates


This parameter is unused! Use NUMBER.AllowNegativeRates instead!

1.5.2 Parameter ErrorMessage

Section: 1.5 PostProcessing

Default Value: true


This is an Expert Parameter! Only change it if you understand what it does!

Do not show error message in return value. In an error case, the last valid number will be used for the various transmission protocols (MQTT, InfluxDB, REST, ...).

1.5.3 Parameter AllowNegativeRates

Section: 1.5 PostProcessing

Default Value: false

Allow a meter to count backwards (decreasing values).


This is unusual (it means there is a negative rate) and not wanted in most cases!


This parameter must be prefixed with <NUMBER> followed by a dot (eg. main.AllowNegativeRates). <NUMBER> is the name of the number sequence defined in the ROI's.

1.5.4 Parameter AnalogToDigitTransitionStart

Section: 1.5 PostProcessing

Default Value: 9.2

This can be used if you have wrong values, but the recognition of the individual ROIs are correct. Look for the start of changing of the first digit and note the analog pointer value behind. Set it here. Only used on combination of digits and analog pointers. See here for details.

Range: 6.0 .. 9.9.


This parameter must be prefixed with <NUMBER> followed by a dot (eg. main.AnalogToDigitTransitionStart). <NUMBER> is the name of the number sequence defined in the ROI's.

1.5.5 Parameter ChangeRateThreshold

Section: 1.5 PostProcessing

Default Value: 2

Range: 0 .. 9.

Threshold parameter for change rate detection.
This parameter is intended to compensate for small reading fluctuations that occur when the meter does not change its value for a long time (e.g. at night) or slightly turns backwards. This can eg. happen on watermeters.

It is only applied to the last digit of the read value (See example below). If the read value is within PreValue +/- Threshold, no further calculation is carried out and the Value/Prevalue remains at the old value.


This parameter must be prefixed with <NUMBER> followed by a dot (eg. main.ChangeRateThreshold). <NUMBER> is the name of the number sequence defined in the ROI's. Example

  • Smallest ROI provides value for 0.000'x (Eg. a water meter with 4 pointers behind the decimal point)
  • ChangeRateThreshold = 2 With Extended Resolution disabled

PreValue: 123.456'7 -> Threshold = +/-0.000'2.
All changes between 123.456'5 and 123.456'9 get ignored With Extended Resolution enabled

PreValue: 123.456'78 -> Threshold = +/-0.000'02.
All changes between 123.456'76 and 123.456'80 get ignored.

1.5.6 Parameter CheckDigitIncreaseConsistency

Section: 1.5 PostProcessing

Default Value: false


This is an Expert Parameter! Only change it if you understand what it does!

An additional consistency check. It especially improves the zero crossing check between digits.


This parameter must be prefixed with <NUMBER> followed by a dot (eg. main.CheckDigitIncreaseConsistency). <NUMBER> is the name of the number sequence defined in the ROI's.

1.5.7 Parameter DecimalShift

Section: 1.5 PostProcessing

Default Value: 0

Shift the decimal separator (positiv or negativ). Eg. to move from to liter (1 m³ equals 1000 liters), you need to set it to +3.


This parameter must be prefixed with <NUMBER> followed by a dot (eg. main.DecimalShift). <NUMBER> is the name of the number sequence defined in the ROI's.

1.5.8 Parameter ExtendedResolution

Section: 1.5 PostProcessing

Default Value: false

Use the decimal place of the last analog counter for increased accuracy.


This parameter is only supported on the *-class* and *-const models! See Choosing-the-Model for details.


This parameter must be prefixed with <NUMBER> followed by a dot (eg. main.ExtendedResolution). <NUMBER> is the name of the number sequence defined in the ROI's.

1.5.9 Parameter IgnoreLeadingNaN

Section: 1.5 PostProcessing

Default Value: true

Leading N's will be deleted before further processing. This is only relevant for models which use N! See here for details.


This parameter must be prefixed with <NUMBER> followed by a dot (eg. main.IgnoreLeadingNaN). <NUMBER> is the name of the number sequence defined in the ROI's.

1.5.10 Parameter MaxRateType

Section: 1.5 PostProcessing

Default Value: AbsoluteChange

Defines if the Change Rate is calculated as the difference between the last two readings (AbsoluteChange = difference) or as the difference normalized to the interval (RateChange = difference per minute).


This parameter must be prefixed with <NUMBER> followed by a dot (eg. main.MaxRateType). <NUMBER> is the name of the number sequence defined in the ROI's.

1.5.11 Parameter MaxRateValue

Section: 1.5 PostProcessing

Default Value: 0,05

Maximum allowed change between two readings, if exceeded the last reading will be rejected. Depending on the settings of <NUMBER>.MaxRateType the MaxRateValue is either treated as the difference between the two measurements (AbsoluteChange = difference) not taking the set time interval into account or as the difference normalized to the interval (RateChange = difference per minute).

If negative rate is disallowed and no maximum rate value is set, one false high reading will lead to a period of missing measurements until the measurement reaches the previous false high reading. E.g. if the counter is at 600,00 and it's read incorrectly as610,00, all measurements will be skipped until the counter reaches 610,00. Setting the MaxRateValue to 0,05 leads to a rejection of all readings with a difference > 0,05, in this case 610,00. The rejection also applies to correct readings with a difference > 0,05!


This parameter must be prefixed with <NUMBER> followed by a dot (eg. main.MaxRateValue). <NUMBER> is the name of the number sequence defined in the ROI's.

1.5.12 Parameter PreValueAgeStartup

Section: 1.5 PostProcessing

Default Value: 720


This is an Expert Parameter! Only change it if you understand what it does!

Time in minutes, how long a previous read value is valid after reboot.

1.5.13 Parameter PreValueUse

Section: 1.5 PostProcessing

Default Value: true

Use the previous value (value from previous round) for consistency checks. This also works through a reboot of the device!

1.6 Section MQTT

1.6.1 Parameter CACert

Section: 1.6 MQTT

Default Value: ""

Example: /config/certs/RootCA.crt.


This is an Expert Parameter! Only change it if you understand what it does!

Path to the CA certificate file.

This is part of the configuration to enable TLS 1.2 for MQTT.

The CA Certificate is used by the client to validate the broker is who it claims to be. It allows the client to authenticate the server, which is the first part of the MTLS handshake.

Usually there is a common RootCA certificate for the MQTT broker. More information is available here.

For more information on how to create your own certificate, see: mosquitto.org or emqx.com.


This also means that you might have to change the protocol and port in uri to mqtts://example.com:8883!

Only Certificates up to 4096 Bit are supported!

1.6.2 Parameter ClientCert

Section: 1.6 MQTT

Default Value: ""

Example: /config/certs/client.crt.


This is an Expert Parameter! Only change it if you understand what it does!

Path to the Client Certificate file.

This is part of the configuration to enable TLS 1.2 for MQTT.

The Client Certificate is used by the client to prove its identity to the server, in conjunction with the Client Key. It is the second part of the MTLS handshake.

Usually there is a one pair of Client Certificate/Key for each client that connects to the MQTT broker. More information is available here.

For more information on how to create your own certificate, see: mosquitto.org or emqx.com.


If set, ClientKey must be set too. This also means that you might have to change the protocol and port in uri to mqtts://example.com:8883!

1.6.3 Parameter ClientID

Section: 1.6 MQTT

Default Value: watermeter

Client ID used to connect to the MQTT broker. If disabled, the hostname will be used.

1.6.4 Parameter ClientKey

Section: 1.6 MQTT

Default Value: ""

Example: /config/certs/client.key.


This is an Expert Parameter! Only change it if you understand what it does!

Path to the Client Key file.

This is part of the configuration to enable TLS 1.2 for MQTT.

The Client Key is used by the client to prove its identity to the server, in conjunction with the Client Certificate. It is the second part of the MTLS handshake.

Usually there is a one pair of Client Certificate/Key for each client that connects to the MQTT broker

For more information on how to create your own certificate, see: mosquitto.org or emqx.com.


If set, ClientCert must be set too. This also means that you might have to change the protocol and port in uri to mqtts://example.com:8883!

1.6.5 Parameter DomoticzTopicIn

Section: 1.6 MQTT

Default Value: domoticz/in

Domoticz "in" topic as configured on the "MQTT Client Gateway" setup page on the Domoticz system. Used to publish counter/s value/s.

Parameter <NUMBER>.DomoticzIDX is required (see below).

1.6.6 Parameter HomeassistantDiscovery

Section: 1.6 MQTT

Default Value: true

Enable or disable the Homeassistant Discovery. See here for details about the discovery.

1.6.7 Parameter MainTopic

Section: 1.6 MQTT

Default Value: watermeter

MQTT main topic, under which the counters are published.

The single value will be published with the following key: MAINTOPIC/NUMBER/RESULT_TOPIC


  • NUMBER: The name of the value (a meter might have more than one value). The names get defined in the analog and digit ROI configuration (defaults to main).
  • RESULT_TOPIC: Automatically filled with the right name, eg. value, rate, timestamp, error, ....

The general connection status can be found in MAINTOPIC/CONNECTION. See MQTT Result Topics for a full list of topics.


The main topic is allowed to contain / which can be used to split it into multiple levels, eg. /basement/meters/watermeter/1/ if you have multiple water meters in your basement.

The nodeId for the Home Assistant MQTT Service Discovery must follow the schema <discovery_prefix>/<component>/[<node_id>/]<object_id>/config. The node_id is not configurable but derived from the MainTopic by stripping any but the last topic level. A MainTopic with the value home/basement/watermeter is transformed into the node_id watermeter, resulting in the discovery topic homeassistant/sensor/watermeter/value/config for the current value.

1.6.8 Parameter MeterType

Section: 1.6 MQTT

Default Value: other

Select the Meter Type so the sensors have the right units in Homeassistant.

Please also make sure that the selected Meter Type matches the dimension of the value provided by the meter! Eg. if your meter provides , you need to also set it to . Alternatively you can set the parameter DecimalShift to 3 so the value is converted to liters!

List of supported options:

  • other
  • water_m3 (uses m^3/min as rate)
  • water_l (uses l/h as rate, not officially supported by Homeassistant!)
  • water_gal (uses gal/h as rate, not officially supported by Homeassistant!)
  • water_ft3 (uses ft^3/min as rate)
  • gas_m3 (uses m^3/min as rate)
  • gas_ft3 (uses ft^3/min as rate)
  • energy_wh (uses W as rate)
  • energy_kwh (uses KW as rate)
  • energy_mwh (uses MW as rate)
  • energy_gj (uses GJ/h as rate, not officially supported by Homeassistant!)
  • temperature_c (uses +C/min as rate)
  • temperature_f (uses °F/min as rate)
  • temperature_k (uses K/min as rate)


Not all options are supported by Homeassistant, see SensorDeviceClass.VOLUME_FLOW_RATE in https://developers.home-assistant.io/docs/core/entity/sensor/#available-device-classes!

1.6.9 Parameter DomoticzIDX

Section: 1.6 MQTT

Default Value: 0

The Idx number for the counter device. Can be obtained from the devices setup page on the Domoticz system.


This parameter must be prefixed with <NUMBER> followed by a dot (eg. main.DomoticzIDX). <NUMBER> is the name of the number sequence defined in the ROI's.

1.6.10 Parameter RetainMessages

Section: 1.6 MQTT

Default Value: true

Enable or disable the Retain Flag for all MQTT entries.


Disabling (set to false) this does not clear the last retained value on the MQTT broker! This must be done manually, see How to Delete Retained Messages in MQTT? and this discussion!

1.6.11 Parameter Uri

Section: 1.6 MQTT

Default Value: mqtt://example.com:1883

URI to the MQTT broker including the port. E.g. mqtt://

1.6.12 Parameter ValidateServerCert

Section: 1.6 MQTT

Default Value: true


This is an Expert Parameter! Only change it if you understand what it does!

Enable or disable the validation of the server certificate CN field.

If enabled (true), the certificate sent by the server is validated using the configured Root CA Certificate file.
The server name in uri is compared with the CN field of the server certificate.
A connection is only established if they agree. It ensures the origin of the server.

If disabled (false), the ESP32 skipped any validation of server certificate CN field.
This reduces the security of TLS and makes the MQTT client susceptible to MITM attacks.


This also means that you might have to change the protocol and port in to mqtts://example.com:8883!

If you use public brokers, is recommended to set this parameter to "enabled (true)".

1.6.13 Parameter password

Section: 1.6 MQTT

Default Value: PASSWORD

Password for MQTT authentication.

1.6.14 Parameter user

Section: 1.6 MQTT

Default Value: USERNAME

Username for MQTT authentication.

1.7 Section InfluxDB

1.7.1 Parameter Database

Section: 1.7 InfluxDB

Default Value: ''

Name of the InfluxDB v1 Database into which to publish the values.


See section InfluxDBv2 for InfluxDB v2 support!

1.7.2 Parameter Field

Section: 1.7 InfluxDB

Default Value: undefined

Dedicated definition of the field for InfluxDB use for saving in the Influx database (e.g.: "watermeter/value").


This parameter must be prefixed with <NUMBER> followed by a dot (eg. main.Field). <NUMBER> is the name of the number sequence defined in the ROI's.

1.7.3 Parameter Measurement

Section: 1.7 InfluxDB

Default Value: undefined

Name of the InfluxDB v1 Measurement to use to publish the value.


See section InfluxDBv2 for InfluxDB v2 support!

1.7.4 Parameter Uri

Section: 1.7 InfluxDB

Default Value: undefined

URI of the HTTP interface to InfluxDB v1, without trailing slash, e.g.


See section InfluxDBv2 for InfluxDB v2 support!

1.7.5 Parameter password

Section: 1.7 InfluxDB

Default Value: undefined

Password for the InfluxDB v1 authentication.


See section InfluxDBv2 for InfluxDB v2 support!

1.7.6 Parameter user

Section: 1.7 InfluxDB

Default Value: undefined

Username for the InfluxDB v1 authentication.


See section InfluxDBv2 for InfluxDB v2 support!

1.8 Section InfluxDBv2

1.8.1 Parameter Bucket

Section: 1.8 InfluxDBv2

Default Value: ''

Name of the InfluxDB v2 Bucket into which to publish the values.

1.8.2 Parameter Database


This parameter is unused! Use Basket instead!

1.8.3 Parameter Field

Section: 1.8 InfluxDBv2

Default Value: undefined

Field for InfluxDB v2 to use for saving.


This parameter must be prefixed with <NUMBER> followed by a dot (eg. main.Field). <NUMBER> is the name of the number sequence defined in the ROI's.

1.8.4 Parameter Measurement

Section: 1.8 InfluxDBv2

Default Value: undefined

Name of the InfluxDB v2 Measurement to use to publish the value.

1.8.5 Parameter Org

Section: 1.8 InfluxDBv2

Default Value: undefined

Organisation (Org) for InfluxDB v2 authentication

1.8.6 Parameter Token

Section: 1.8 InfluxDBv2

Default Value: undefined

Token for InfluxDB v2 authentication

1.8.7 Parameter Uri

Section: 1.8 InfluxDBv2

Default Value: undefined

URI of the HTTP interface to InfluxDB v2, without trailing slash, e.g.

1.9 Section GPIO

1.9.1 Parameter IO0

Section: 1.9 GPIO

Default Value: input disabled 10 false false


This is an Expert Parameter! Only change it if you understand what it does!

This parameter can be used to configure the GPIO IO0 pin.


This pin is only usable with restrictions! It must be disabled when the camera is used. Additionally, it is used to activate Bootloader mode and must therefore be HIGH after a reset!


  • GPIO 0 state: One of input, input pullup, input pulldown or output.
  • GPIO 0 use interrupt: Enable interrupt trigger
  • GPIO 0 PWM duty resolution: LEDC PWM duty resolution in bit
  • GPIO 0 enable MQTT: Enable MQTT publishing/subscribing
  • GPIO 0 enable HTTP: Enable HTTP write/read
  • GPIO 0 name: MQTT topic name (empty = GPIO0). Allowed characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _, -.

1.9.2 Parameter IO1

Section: 1.9 GPIO

Default Value: input disabled 10 false false


This is an Expert Parameter! Only change it if you understand what it does!

This parameter can be used to configure the GPIO IO1 pin.


This pin is by default used for the serial communication as TX pin (USB logging)!


  • GPIO 1 state: One of input, input pullup, input pulldown or output.
  • GPIO 1 use interrupt: Enable interrupt trigger
  • GPIO 1 PWM duty resolution: LEDC PWM duty resolution in bit
  • GPIO 1 enable MQTT: Enable MQTT publishing/subscribing
  • GPIO 1 enable HTTP: Enable HTTP write/read
  • GPIO 1 name: MQTT topic name (empty = GPIO1). Allowed characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _, -.

1.9.3 Parameter IO12

Section: 1.9 GPIO

Default Value: input-pullup disabled 10 false false


This is an Expert Parameter! Only change it if you understand what it does!

This parameter can be used to configure the GPIO IO12 pin.


This pin is usable without known restrictions!


  • GPIO 12 state: One of external-flash-ws281x, input, input pullup, input pulldown or output.
  • GPIO 12 use interrupt: Enable interrupt trigger
  • GPIO 12 PWM duty resolution: LEDC PWM duty resolution in bit
  • GPIO 12 enable MQTT: Enable MQTT publishing/subscribing
  • GPIO 12 enable HTTP: Enable HTTP write/read
  • GPIO 12 name: MQTT topic name (empty = GPIO12). Allowed characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _, -.

1.9.4 Parameter IO13

Section: 1.9 GPIO

Default Value: input-pullup disabled 10 false false


This is an Expert Parameter! Only change it if you understand what it does!

This parameter can be used to configure the GPIO IO13 pin.


This pin is usable without known restrictions!


  • GPIO 13 state: One of input, input pullup, input pulldown or output.
  • GPIO 13 use interrupt: Enable interrupt trigger
  • GPIO 13 PWM duty resolution: LEDC PWM duty resolution in bit
  • GPIO 13 enable MQTT: Enable MQTT publishing/subscribing
  • GPIO 13 enable HTTP: Enable HTTP write/read
  • GPIO 13 name: MQTT topic name (empty = GPIO13). Allowed characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _, -.

1.9.5 Parameter IO3

Section: 1.9 GPIO

Default Value: input disabled 10 false false


This is an Expert Parameter! Only change it if you understand what it does!

This parameter can be used to configure the GPIO IO3 pin.


This pin is by default used for the serial communication as RX pin (USB logging)!


  • GPIO 3 state: One of input, input pullup, input pulldown or output.
  • GPIO 3 use interrupt: Enable interrupt trigger
  • GPIO 3 PWM duty resolution: LEDC PWM duty resolution in bit
  • GPIO 3 enable MQTT: Enable MQTT publishing/subscribing
  • GPIO 3 enable HTTP: Enable HTTP write/read
  • GPIO 3 name: MQTT topic name (empty = GPIO3). Allowed characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _, -.

1.9.6 Parameter IO4

Section: 1.9 GPIO

Default Value: built-in-led disabled 10 false false


This is an Expert Parameter! Only change it if you understand what it does!

This parameter can be used to configure the GPIO IO4 pin.


This pin is only usable with restrictions! By default, it is used for build-in flash light (onboard LED).


  • GPIO 4 state: One of built-in-led, input, input pullup, input pulldown or output.
  • GPIO 4 use interrupt: Enable interrupt trigger
  • GPIO 4 PWM duty resolution: LEDC PWM duty resolution in bit
  • GPIO 4 enable MQTT: Enable MQTT publishing/subscribing
  • GPIO 4 enable HTTP: Enable HTTP write/read
  • GPIO 4 name: MQTT topic name (empty = GPIO4). Allowed characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _, -.

1.9.7 Parameter LEDColor

Section: 1.9 GPIO

Default Value: 150 150 150

Color of the attached LEDs to GPIO12 in Red, Green Blue from 0 (full off) .. 255 (full on) (See IO12 parameter).

1.9.8 Parameter LEDNumbers

Section: 1.9 GPIO

Default Value: 2

Number of LEDs on the external LED-stripe attached to GPIO12 (See IO12 parameter).

1.9.9 Parameter LEDType

Section: 1.9 GPIO

Default Value: WS2812 Type of the WS2812x which is connected to GPIO12 (See IO12 parameter).

1.9.10 Parameter MainTopicMQTT

Section: 1.9 GPIO

Default Value: wasserzaehler/GPIO


This parameter is not accessible through the Web Interface Configuration Page!

The GPIO Interface is prepared to report it's status and status changes as a MQTT topic. With this parameter you configure the MQTT main topic, under which the status is published. As this parameter is still experimental it can only be set manually in the config.ini itself and has not been tested in detail so far.

1.10 Section AutoTimer

1.10.1 Parameter AutoStart

Section: 1.10 AutoTimer

Default Value: true


This parameter is no longer available. The flow is now always enabled. If you want it to be disabled, set an interval which is high enough (eg. 1440 = 24h).

1.10.2 Parameter Interval

Section: 1.10 AutoTimer

Default Value: 5

Unit: Minutes

Interval in which the Flow (Digitization Round) is run. It will run immediately on startup and then the next time after the given interval. If a round takes longer than this interval, the next round gets postponed until the current round completes.

If the flow gets started by a MQTT message or the REST API call, the interval automatically gets reset.


If you want the flow to be disabled, set an interval which is high enough (eg. 1440 = 24h).

1.11 Section DataLogging

1.11.1 Parameter DataFilesRetention

Section: 1.11 DataLogging

Default Value: 3

Unit: Days

Number of days to keep the data files (0 = forever).

1.11.2 Parameter DataLogActive

Section: 1.11 DataLogging

Default Value: true Activate data logging to the SD-Card.

The files will be stored in /log/data/data_YYYY-MM-DD.csv. See Data Logging for details.


A SD-Card has limited write cycles. Since the device does not do Wear Leveling, this can wear out your SD-Card!

1.12 Section Debug

1.12.1 Parameter LogLevel

Section: 1.12 Debug

Default Value: 1 (ERROR) Define the log level for the logging to the SD-Card.

Available options:

  • 1: ERROR
  • 2: WARNING
  • 3: INFO
  • 4: DEBUG

As higher the level, as more log messages get written to the SD-Card.


DEBUG or INFO might damage the SD-Card if enabled long term due to excessive writes to the SD-Card! A SD-Card has limited write cycles. Since the device does not do Wear Leveling, this can wear out your SD-Card!

1.12.2 Parameter LogfilesRetention

Section: 1.12 Debug

Default Value: 3

Unit: Days

Number of days to keep the log files (0 = forever).

1.13 Section System

1.13.1 Parameter CPUFrequency

Section: 1.13 System

Default Value: 160

Set the CPU Frequency.


Setting it to 240 will lead to a faster device, but it will also require a stronger power supply! Additionally, depending on the quality of your ESP32-CAM, it might run unstable!

Possible values:

  • 160
  • 240

1.13.2 Parameter Hostname

Section: 1.13 System

Default Value: undefined


This is an Expert Parameter! Only change it if you understand what it does!

Hostname for the device. It gets automatically transferred to /wlan.ini on the SD-Card at the next startup.

1.13.3 Parameter RSSIThreshold

Section: 1.13 System

Default Value: 0

Possible values: -100 .. 0 (0 = disabled).


This is an Expert Parameter! Only change it if you understand what it does!

This parameter activates a client triggered AP switching functionality (simplified roaming). If actual RSSI value is lower (more negative) than RSSIThreshold, all WIFI channels will be scanned for configured access point SSID. If an access point is in range which has better RSSI value (less negative) than actual RSSI value + 5 dBm, the device is trying to connect to this access point with the better RSSI value.


The RSSI check only gets initiated at the end of each round to avoid any disturbance of processing.


It gets automatically transferred to /wlan.ini on the SD-Card at next startup.

1.13.4 Parameter SetupMode

Section: 1.13 System

Default Value: true


This parameter is not accessible through the Web Interface Configuration Page!

Set this parameter to true to stay in the Setup Mode after the next start of the device.

1.13.5 Parameter TimeServer

Section: 1.13 System

Default Value: pool.ntp.org


This is an Expert Parameter! Only change it if you understand what it does!

Time server to synchronize system time. If it is disabled or undefined, pool.ntp.org will be used. You can also set it to the IP of your router. Many routers like Fritzboxes can act as a local NTP server. To disable NTP, you need to activate it but set the TimeServer config to be empty (""). In such case the time always starts at 01.01.1970 after each power cycle!

1.13.6 Parameter TimeZone

Section: 1.13 System

Default Value: CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3

Time zone in POSIX syntax (Europe/Berlin = CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3 - incl. daylight saving) Check the table on http://<DEVICE IP>/timezones.html to find the settings for your region.

1.14 Section Webhook

1.14.1 Parameter ApiKey

Section: 1.14 Webhook

Default Value: undefined

ApiKey sent as Header

1.14.2 Parameter UploadImg

Section: 1.14 Webhook

Default Value: 0 (NEVER)

Available options:

  • 0: NEVER
  • 1: ALWAYS
  • 2: ON_ERROR

1.14.3 Parameter Uri

Section: 1.14 Webhook

Default Value: undefined

URI of the HTTP Endpoint receiving requests, e.g.