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The device is capable to register to a MQTT broker to publish data and subscribe to specific topics.


Only MQTT v3.1.1 is supported.

The MQTT service has to be enabled and configured properly in the device configuration via web interface (Settings -> Configuration -> section MQTT)

The following parameters have to be defined: * URI * MainTopic (optional, if not set, the hostname is used) * ClientID (optional, if not set, AIOTED- + the MAC address gets used to make sure the ID is unique) * User (optional) * Password (optional) * RetainFlag (optional)

1.1 Published topics

1.1.1 Status

The following overhead data are available under the main topic (i.e. watermeter):

Topic Description
watermeter/MAC The MAC address of the ESP module.
watermeter/IP The IP address of the ESP module.
watermeter/Hostname The network host name of the ESP module.
watermeter/Interval The round interval as configured during setup or in Parameters -> Interval.
watermeter/Connection Network connection status.
watermeter/Uptime Seconds up since last boot.
watermeter/FreeMem Free memory in kB.
watermeter/wifiRSSI Quality of WiFi signal.
watermeter/CPUTemp Temperature of the ESP CPU in degrees celsius.

1.1.2 Result

The following calculation data are available under the sup-topic main (i.e. watermeter/main):

Topic Description
watermeter/main/error Informs about the flow status. On success, the value is no error.
watermeter/main/raw The value before performing post processing.
watermeter/main/value The value after performing post processing.
watermeter/main/rate How much flow was consumed in one minute.
watermeter/main/rate_per_time_unit How much flow was consumed in one minute. The time unit gets set with the Home Assistant Discovery, e.g. h (hours) or m (minutes).
watermeter/main/changeabsolut Difference between the previous and actual read value.
watermeter/main/rate_per_digitization_round How much flow was consumed in one minute.
watermeter/main/timestamp Timestamp of the last valid reading (equal to timestamp of previous value)
watermeter/main/Status Informs about the last performed step of the watermeter (i.e. Flow finished).
watermeter/main/json This is a JSON formatted object containing the following values: value, raw, pre, error, rate, timestamp.

1.1.3 GPIO

MainTopic/{GPIO topic}, e.g. watermeter/GPIO/GPIO12 GPIO/GPIO{PinNumber}

Depending on device configuration (Settings --> Configuration --> section GPIO)

1.2 Subscribed topics

MainTopic/{subscribed topic}, e.g. watermeter/ctrl/flow_start

1.2.1 Control ctrl/flow_start

Trigger a flow start by publishing to this topic.

This will automatically reset the flow interval. ctrl/set_prevalue


This feature is available since version 15.2.0.

Set the last valid value (previous value) to given value or the actual RAW value. Payload needs to be provided in JSON notation.


  • Set to given value (value >= 0): {"numbersname": "<NUMBERSNAME>", "value": <VALUE>}

    • "numbersname":Provide name of number sequence, e.g. "main"
    • "value": provide the value to be set, eg. 12345.67890
  • Set to actual RAW value (value < 0, a valid RAW value is mandatory): {"numbersname": "<NUMBERSNAME>", "value": -1}

    • "numbersname": Provide name of number sequence, e.g. "main"
    • "value": Provide any negative number GPIO/GPIO{PinNumber}

Depending on device configuration (Settings --> Configuration --> section GPIO)