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Various information is directly accessible over specific REST calls.

To use it, just append them to the IP, separated with a /, e.g.


For more detailed information to the REST handler, have a look to the code in the repository: registered handlers

1.1 Control

1.1.1 flow_start

Trigger the next flow + Payload: - No payload needed

This will automatically reset the flow interval.

1.1.2 setPreValue

Set the last valid value (previous value) to given value or the actual RAW value. + Payload: - Set to given value (value >= 0), e.g. /setPreValue?numbers=main&value=1234.5678
* numbers= Provide name of number sequence, e.g. main * value= provide the value to be set

    - Set to actual RAW value (value < 0, a valid RAW value is mandatory), e.g. `/setPreValue?numbers=main&value=-1`
       * `numbers=` Provide name of number sequence, e.g. main
       * `value=` provide yna negative number

1.1.3 GPIO

  • Control a GPIO output

    • The GPIO entrypoint also support parameters:
    • /GPIO?GPIO={PinNumber}&Status=high
    • /GPIO?GPIO={PinNumber}&Status=low
    • Example: /GPIO?GPIO=12&Status=high
  • Read a GPIO input

    • The GPIO entrypoint also support parameters:
    • /GPIO?GPIO={PinNumber}
    • Example: /GPIO?GPIO=12

1.1.4 reboot

Trigger a reboot of the device

1.1.5 mqtt_publish_discovery

Trigger re-sending of the Home Assistant discovery topics. The topics will get send at the end of the next round.

1.2 Results

1.2.1 json

Show result in JSON syntax - Example: { "main": { "value": "521.17108", "raw": "521.17108", "pre": "521.17108", "error": "no error", "rate": "0.023780", "timestamp": "2023-01-13T16:00:42+0100" } }

1.2.2 value

Show single result values - The value entrypoint also support parameters: - http://<IP>/value?all=true&type=value - http://<IP>/value?all=true&type=raw - http://<IP>/value?all=true&type=error - http://<IP>/value?all=true&type=prevalue

1.2.3 img_tmp/raw.jpg

Capture and show a new raw image

1.2.4 img_tmp/alg.jpg

Show last aligned image

1.2.5 img_tmp/alg_roi.jpg

Show last aligned image including ROI overlay

1.3 Status

1.3.1 statusflow

Show the actual step of the flow incl. timestamp - Example: Take Image (15:56:34)

1.3.2 rssi

Show the WIFI signal strength (Unit: dBm) - Example: -51

1.3.3 cpu_temperature

Show the CPU temperature (Unit: °C) - Example: 38

1.3.4 sysinfo

Show system infos in JSON syntax - Example: [{"firmware": "","buildtime": "2023-01-25 12:41","gitbranch": "HEAD","gittag": "","gitrevision": "af13c68+","html": "Development-Branch: HEAD (Commit: af13c68+)","cputemp": "64","hostname": "WaterMeterTest","IPv4": "192.168.xxx.xxx","freeHeapMem": "2818330"}]

1.3.5 starttime

Show starttime - Example: 20230113-154634

1.3.6 uptime

Show uptime - Example: 0d 00h 15m 50s

1.4 Camera

1.4.1 lighton

Switch the camera flashlight on

1.4.2 lightoff

Switch the camera flashlight off

1.4.3 capture

Capture a new image (without flashlight)

1.4.4 capture_with_flashlight

Capture a new image with flashlight

1.4.5 stream

Stream a live video of the camera.

It has a slow refresh rate of only 2 FPS to avoid stressing the system. Flow processing continues to work in the background, albeit possibly a bit slower.

When the flashlight parameter is set, it turns on the flaslight. Both http://<IP>/stream?flashlight=true and http://<IP>/stream?flashlight turn on the flashlight.

LIMITATION: To avoid using extra memory, no additional dedicated stream webserver is implemented for this feature (instead, the web interface server is reused in a kind of "blocking way"). This means that either the web interface is fully functional or the stream is active, but not both at the same time. However, this is sufficient for the intended use case.

1.4.6 save

Save a new image to SD card - The save entrypoint also support parameters: - http://<IP>/save?filename=test.jpg&delay=1000

1.5 Logs

1.5.1 log

Last part of todays log (last 80 kBytes))

1.5.2 logfileact

Full log of today

1.5.3 log.html

Opens the log html page

1.6 Diagnostics

1.6.1 heap

print relevant memory (heap) information - Example: Heap info: Heap Total: 1888926 | SPI Free: 1827431 | SPI Larg Block: 1802240 | SPI Min Free: 758155 | Int Free: 61495 | Int Larg Block: 55296 | Int Min Free: 36427

1.7 Prometheus/OpenMetrics

1.7.1 metrics

Provides a set of metrics that can be scraped by prometheus. See Prometheus/OpenMetrics for details.

1.8 Password Protection

The Web Interface and the REST API can be protected by a password, see Password-Protection.